Welcome to Meadowbrook Church!
Please browse our website to get to know us better! We hope you you can join us for one of our services this Sunday or Wednesday.
Upcoming Events
Worship is available each Sunday at 8:30 and 11 AM. Both services will be completely indoors, in the sanctuary. We have installed a special plasma air purification system to our sanctuary building’s AC system that takes viruses like Covid or the flu out of the air for your safety.
We also offer Nursery and Children’s Church. Infants through 3 years old are in the main building in the preschool room, while 4-10 years old check in at the children’s building.
You may also enjoy our service on our Facebook page live on Sunday at 8:30 AM. Check it out on our Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/Meadowbrook-Church-of-Beaufort-137912342930079/
Our family is encouraged to go to www.mbcob.org and click the Online Giving Tab and give online. Ushers will also take up an offering in both services as always.
Wednesday Night Dinners are at 5:30 PM. Life groups for men, women, youth and children all meet on Wednesday from 6:30 until 8:00 PM. Watch our Facebook page for announcements.
Our Youth Group meets on Wednesday from 5:30 PM until 8:00 PM, with dinner provided for the youth. Meet at the church to go to youth building on bus.

Sunday Worship at 8:30 AM and 11 AM, both inside only.
Sunday School at 10:00 AM with a class for everyone.
Wednesday Night Supper at 5:30 PM.
Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30 PM with classes for men, women and children
12 Lupo Drive, Lady’s Island, SC 29907
Click here for a map showing our location.
Click this link to follow us on Facebook.